看板 iOS
這邊提醒一下已經安裝的人, Dopamine 2.0.9 修正了重大設計漏洞,建議盡快更新, 可以透過 App 直接幫越獄工具升級或者依樣透過 TrollStore 等方式。 我在 16.3 的機器有遇到自己更新完之後 App 打不開的情況, 去 TrollStore 改成 System Registration 即可。 https://i.imgur.com/bSzwJCd.jpeg
以下更新日誌: https://github.com/opa334/Dopamine/releases/tag/2.0.9 Version 2.0.9 Fix a super bad security issue where app store apps would be allowed to obtain full system captabilities (root + phys r/w) that were otherwise only intended to be accessible by root processes, as a result of this Dopamine 2.0.0 - 2.0.8 have been pulled and are no longer recommended to be used by anyone 修正了一項重大安全性問題會讓 AppStore 商店 App 也能取得全系統權限, (root 權限 與 實體記憶體讀寫) 而非原始設計的僅供 root 行程取得, 因此版本 2.0.0 至 2.0.8 已經從 Github 移除且不建議任何人繼續使用。 Fix an issue where the arm64 related fixes of 2.0.7 and 2.0.8 were only working when ellekit was installed and tweak injection was enabled Disable injection into terminusd and nesessionmanager on arm64 in an attempt to resolve issues with crash loops and VPN apps still not working for some users Immediately allow invalid pages on all processes that are spawned via POSIX_SPAWN_START_SUSPENDED, this fixes an issue where several Frida features would not work correctly Actually fix support for early iOS 15.0 betas (2.0.8 changelog lied) 美國 PTT 論壇: Don’t know if opa already adressed this, but you should install v. 2.0.9 if you already haven’t https://redd.it/1b34t18 ※ 引述《Lyeuiechang (誠誠小屁孩)》之銘言: : 【情報來源】 : Reddit Jailbreak Subreddit : 原網址: : https://old.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/1ascjhy/dopamine_20_jailbreak_for_ios_150_1661_a9_and_up/ : (原始未刪減的網址,未提供者水桶60日) : 短網址:https://redd.it/1ascjhy : (若原網址過長時請儘可能提供短網址,反之免提供) : 【情報/優惠內容】(國外文章請附上簡單翻譯) : Dopamine 2.0: Jailbreak for iOS 15.0 - 16.6.1, A9 and up : 多巴胺 2.0:iOS 15.0 - 16.6.1,處理器 A9 以上的越獄工具 : Official website: https://ellekit.space/dopamine : 官方下載網頁: : https://i.imgur.com/ri9citl.png
: Setup guide: https://ios.cfw.guide/installing-dopamine/ : 安裝指南: : 強烈建議按照上面的說明依序執行,若未安裝 TrollStore 者請先行安裝。 : https://i.imgur.com/DFrqT3C.png
Lyeuiechang: [新聞]有狼師一直戳女學森(.)(.)而被家長吉上法院...12/04 23:42
Xhocer: ) (12/04 23:44
xj654m3: ( Y )12/04 23:46
Xhocer: \|/12/04 23:48
xj654m3: (╮⊙▽⊙)ノ|||12/05 00:47
Chricey: 關節痛就老人病 12/05 00:47
Lyeuiechang: /|\╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)<12/05 01:17
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1709286873.A.513.html ※ 編輯: Lyeuiechang ( 臺灣), 03/01/2024 17:58:18
shenyang: 推更新 03/01 18:11
berserkman: Super bad XD 03/01 19:10
zxc654033: 推 03/01 20:23
Chricey: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 03/01 20:23
cutejojocat: app store也變最高權限也太嚴重 03/02 22:41