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Joker 2: Folie a Deux' Runtime Around 2 Hours 30 Minutes 報導重點: 由女神卡卡 Lady Gaga 與 瓦昆菲尼克斯 主演,即將在今年10月上映的年度大片 《小丑:雙重瘋狂》(Joker 2: Folie a Deux) 將會有「20多首歌曲」 其中有「4首原創歌曲」 也會有二重唱, 但大部分皆由 女主角 Lady Gaga 演唱。 電影中 Gaga 還演唱了 Dinah Washington 的經典歌曲 《The Bitter Earth》的重製版本, 並加入了新的歌詞。 https://i.imgur.com/g0Frgpv.jpeg
來源 World of Reel: https://reurl.cc/NQepee 翻譯自 World of Reel 的報導: 幾個月前,在一個不是紐約或加利福尼亞州的州,對電影《小丑:雙重瘋狂》(Joker 2: Folie a Deux)進行了秘密試映。我因為誓言所以不能報導電影的內容。但是我可以確 認,據說放映的電影時長約為:2小時29分鐘。 今天,社群媒體上傳出謠言聲稱最新剪輯的《小丑:雙重瘋狂》版本為「2小時20分鐘」 ,也許這就是最終版本,誰知道呢?這部電影已經被MPA(美國電影學會)評級了,所以 說它已經準備好了! A test screening for “Joker 2: Folie ? Deux” happened many months ago, in a state that wasn’t NY or California. I couldn’t report on it, sworn to not sa y a peep about how it went. However, I can confirm that the cut shown was said to run around 2 hours 29 minutes. Rumors were swirling today on social media that the latest ‘Folie ? Deux’ cu t, maybe the final one, clocks in at 2 hours 20 minutes. Who knows. The film h as already been rated by the MPA, so it’s in the can and ready to go. - 關於《小丑:雙重瘋狂》我要說的是,它確實圍繞著阿卡姆精神病院的音樂治療課程展開 ,那是亞瑟(瓦昆非尼克斯)和哈琳(Lady Gaga)相遇的地方。 澄清一下,從技術層面 上講,Gaga在這裡不是Harley Quinn,而是叫Harleen,Arthur稱呼她為“Lee”。 亞瑟和 Lee 在阿卡姆很合得來,因為他媽媽問題,以及 Lee 自己和她父親造成的的麻煩 。他們兩人之間的關係越來越牢固,這兩人試圖逃離庇護所,這個計劃出了問題,我不能 再多說 了。 What I will say about ‘Folie ? Deux’ is that it does indeed revolve around t he music therapy sessions at Arkham Asylum — that’s where Arthur (Joaquin Ph oenix) and Harleen (Lady Gaga) meet. Just to be clear, Gaga is not, technicall y, Harley Quinn here, but rather goes by the name of Harleen, Arthur calls her “Lee.” Arthur and Lee hit it off in Arkham due to his mommy issues, and Lee’s own tr oubles with her father. Their bond strengthens more and more. This leads to th e duo attempting to escape the asylum. The plan goes awry. I won’t say more. - 這次放映的剪輯版本有「20多首歌曲」,其中四首為原創歌曲。雖然有二重唱,但大多數 是由 Lady Gaga演唱的。在影片中,Gaga 演唱了 Dinah Washington的歌曲《The Bitter Earth》的重製版本,並加入了新的歌詞,據說這是一個主要亮點。 話雖如此,我完全不知道「陶德菲利普斯」是否能完成這種 high-wire act off 高難度 行動。 總之這是令人難以置信,要麼絕對是火車失事,沒有中間點。至少,給他一些榮譽,因為 他瘋狂地雄心勃勃的投入這部電影。預告片確實展現了一部拍攝精美精彩的電影—— Law rence Sher 作為電影攝影師回來了。 《小丑:雙重瘋狂》將於美國時間2024年10月4日上映(台灣為10月2日),包括IMAX 70M M。電影也很有可能會在9月的「威尼斯影展」上進行全球首映。 The cut shown had 20+ songs featured, four of them were originals. Although th ere is a duet, most of them are sung by Lady Gaga. In the film, Gaga sings a r eworked version of Dinah Washington’s “The Bitter Earth,” with new lyrics, and it’s said to be a major highlight. With that said, I have absolutely no idea if Todd Phillips can pull this high- wire act off. This is either going to be incredible or an absolute train wreck , there’s no middle ground. At the very least, give him some credit for going mad ambitious here. The trailer did hint at a beautifully shot film — Lawren ce Sher is back as the cinematographer. “Joker 2: Folie ? Deux” is set for release, including in IMAX 70MM, on Octob er 4, 2024. It will most likely have its world premiere at the Venice Film Fes tival in September. -- PAWS UP Little Monsters . PTT 看板LadyGaga(女神卡卡板) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LadyGaga/index.html . 《小丑:雙重瘋狂》 Joker: Folie a Deux https://i.imgur.com/L277fQH.jpg
《女神卡卡神彩世界演唱會特集》 Gaga Chormatica Ball https://i.imgur.com/ZFv8EgW.jpeg
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inhis: Gaga 趕快回歸 07/02 17:42
aoisaiky: 希望可以打敗腦2成為年度電影冠軍 07/02 21:06
marcusH: 這部是限制級,感覺要贏普遍級的腦筋2會有難度 07/05 18:29