看板 WesternMusic
我已經在Gaga的IG下面罵她和她的團隊一年了 The Chromatica Ball Film 和 The Lady And The Legend 兩部影片說要上 最後都胎死腹中 如今The Chromatica Ball Film竟然復活了!? 我剛剛收到消息還以為X又發那種製造假消息的粉專貼文給我 想說Gaga的帳號怎麼沒有藍勾勾 但是是真的!! https://i.imgur.com/ZFv8EgW.jpeg
5/25在HBO的串流平台上架! 台灣已確認屆時可以在HBO Go收看 Gaga在X寫下這段話 ‘’I’m so excited that we can finally share The Chromatica Ball film with th e world. This film chronicles a time of immense creativity…the fashion, the d ance, the music. Revisiting the tour leaves me speechless the way we had each other—you all showed up for music and art in a big way, and with a level of e xcitement and freedom that I will never forget. Stadium after stadium. Sold ou t crowds. The deafening singalongs. Chromatica was colorful revenge. The chaos of it all became pure energy and li fe. With a texture best experienced live. "STRUT IT OUT, WALK A MILE SERVE IT ANCIENT CITY STYLE" Self-acceptance is a theme that cuts through all my songs. I believe it is alw ays possible to dig deep and find your greatness. Self-discovery is an art. Se lf-love is a practice. I love you monsters more than I can say. See yourself in every vocal, every fa bric choice, the choreography, every image… Here’s the truth—no matter wher e life or my career has taken me, my time with you always is a path back to a very powerful part of myself. In a stadium filled with YOU it came to life. Th ank you for that feeling I hope you will feel seen when you watch th is film. And know that I edited it carefully to honor you.‘’ 如何收看? Gaga的IG限動有提到台灣會上架在HBO GO這個平台 https://i.imgur.com/nOQuuI5.jpeg
創建帳號很簡單 只需要填電子郵件和設定密碼 再選擇付款方式和方案即可 https://i.imgur.com/6uL5Hju.jpeg
為了Gaga 我直接訂一季了 沒什麼內容的預告才45秒 我看完直接噴淚QAQ 我愛你一輩子 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/M.1715184475.A.A4C.html
mons0330: https://i.imgur.com/2bTKGtW.jpeg05/09 00:08
mons0330: 我還是覺得在做夢!我是不是在4/3的地震中死亡ㄌ05/09 00:08
※ 編輯: mons0330 ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 00:19:14 ※ 編輯: mons0330 ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 00:26:43
pagolin: 剛剛也看到了,瘋掉,有人可以教一下怎麼辦帳號看嗎? 05/09 00:26
台灣不用跨區 已更新簡易教學~ ※ 編輯: mons0330 ( 臺灣), 05/09/2024 00:33:07
gio6619: 剛看到第一直覺以為是愚人節故快速滑過 然後突然想到不 05/09 00:36
gio6619: 對今天不是愚人節! 05/09 00:36
Kroner: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 05/09 00:36
aoisaiky: 這喜悅來的太突然 05/09 00:37
gio6619: 他終於想起來他的音樂女兒們了QQ 好愛神彩這張 希望Babyl 05/09 00:39
gio6619: on能跟cruel summer一樣靠巡演得到遲來的正義QQ!另外也 05/09 00:39
gio6619: 偷推replay和千鴿也該得到正義 05/09 00:39
Kroner: 喔喔喔,UC2 真的是超讚的啦 05/09 00:39
billloung: 今年卡卡真的要給他衝一波 年底大片加上原聲帶 05/09 00:40
billloung: 現在演唱會也給華納XD 05/09 00:40
toebb: 短短的預告就精彩爆表… Queen of Pop 05/09 01:20
toebb: 官方 YouTube 也上傳預告片了 05/09 01:22
Chricey: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 05/09 01:22
toebb: https://youtu.be/uLmcRKNZDbg 05/09 01:22
pagolin: 非常感謝,然後限時動態提到台灣,我要哭了QQ 05/09 08:32
toebb: https://i.imgur.com/FpafhiH.jpeg 05/09 08:38
toebb: 希望她下次巡演記得也來台灣呀 QQ 05/09 08:38
Kroner: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 05/09 08:38
light20735: 哇~敲碗美麗華應援場(雖然應該是沒有) 05/09 10:32
hardy1991: Queen of pop…?吹太大了吧 05/09 13:05
silendy: 預告看起來就超精采,好期待,也拜託下次巡迴來台灣qq 05/09 15:46
Matchaport: 開心 05/10 01:50
Chricey: 喔喔喔,UC2 真的是超讚的啦 05/10 01:50
toebb: https://i.imgur.com/l5J4AWl.jpeg 05/10 05:21
toebb: Queen of Pop 是金氏世界紀錄認證 + 電影介紹也有寫 05/10 05:21