看板 Steam
20-in-1 Autumn Celebration https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/45791/20in1_Autumn_Celebration/ 可以只買自己想要的 1.One Hand Clapping https://store.steampowered.com/app/893720/One_Hand_Clapping/ 極度好評 (635) 85% -94% NT.17 2.SCARF https://store.steampowered.com/app/645320/SCARF/ 極度好評 (120) 80% -94% NT.17 3.Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams https://store.steampowered.com/app/223220/Giana_Sisters_Twisted_Dreams/ 極度好評 (961) 82% -94% NT.17 4.Through the Darkest of Times https://store.steampowered.com/app/1003090/Through_the_Darkest_of_Times/ 極度好評 (674) 85% -94% NT.17 5.Thunder Wolves https://store.steampowered.com/app/232970/Thunder_Wolves/ 極度好評 (395) 88% -90% NT.19 6.Sine Mora EX https://store.steampowered.com/app/606730/Sine_Mora_EX/ 褒貶不一 (403) 67% -90% NT.19 7.El Hijo - A Wild West Tale https://store.steampowered.com/app/853050/El_Hijo__A_Wild_West_Tale/ 大多好評 (78) 70% -95% NT.19 8.Jagged Alliance: Rage! https://store.steampowered.com/app/463170/Jagged_Alliance_Rage/ 褒貶不一 (365) 49% -95% NT.19 9.Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron https://store.steampowered.com/app/859350/Aces_of_the_Luftwaffe__Squadron/ 褒貶不一 (72) 69% -94% NT.17 10.Bang Bang Racing https://store.steampowered.com/app/207020/Bang_Bang_Racing/ 極度好評 (332) 86% -90% NT.19 11.Nexus - The Jupiter Incident https://store.steampowered.com/app/6420/Nexus__The_Jupiter_Incident/ 極度好評 (876) 85% -90% NT.19 12.Rogue Stormers https://store.steampowered.com/app/299480/Rogue_Stormers/ 褒貶不一 (635) 65% -95% NT.19 13.Lock's Quest https://store.steampowered.com/app/490080/Locks_Quest/ 大多負評 (91) 37% -94% NT.17 14.Rad Rodgers - Radical Edition https://store.steampowered.com/app/805660/Rad_Rodgers__Radical_Edition/ 褒貶不一 (84) 66% -95% NT.19 15.Skydrift Infinity https://store.steampowered.com/app/827330/Skydrift_Infinity/ 大多好評 (54) 72% -90% NT.19 16.SPITLINGS https://store.steampowered.com/app/1002000/SPITLINGS/ 好評 (16) 93% -94% NT$ 17 17.1943 Deadly Desert https://store.steampowered.com/app/616750/1943_Deadly_Desert/ 褒貶不一 (80) 68% -90% NT.20 18.Devils & Demons https://store.steampowered.com/app/363960/Devils__Demons/ 褒貶不一 (45) 42% -90% NT.19 19.Clouds & Sheep 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/439800/Clouds__Sheep_2/ 極度好評 (133) 86% -90% NT.19 20.World of Zoo https://store.steampowered.com/app/43100/World_of_Zoo/ 極度好評 (169) 81% -90% NT.19 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1732580559.A.0E6.html
vicdecx: 看沒有組包折扣可以挑喜歡或-90%以上的 11/26 09:00
IRPT001: 小品集? 11/26 09:11
leo19981: 沒看到有興趣的,等sg抽看看 11/26 09:12
ma721: 寧願拿錢去吃一餐也不買 11/26 09:34
ziso: 三百多不如留著這幾天秋特撿一兩款極好評的 11/26 09:36
Chricey: 樓下關節痛都吃鞏固力 11/26 10:55
deshocker: 很神奇的是全都綠字 有常買F家的組包應該就會湊齊了 11/26 10:14
k2215777: 一堆聽都沒聽過的達變作 11/26 10:34
Raynor: 極度好評的挺多的,不過評論數都偏低啊 11/26 10:37
anion66: 很多都不支援繁體中文 11/26 10:55
Kroner: UC2推薦?有人試過嗎?靠譜嗎? 11/26 11:07
flashseal: 買了第一個試試 我是胖虎 我是孩子王 11/26 10:55
knight77: 買這種組包還不如挑比較不錯的買 11/26 11:01
gameguy: 這些都什麼鬼? 11/26 11:04
m9315030: 秋特甚麼時候開始阿? 11/26 11:07
Chricey: 最近天氣變化大,關節痛好像更嚴重了。 11/26 11:49
giantchu: 官方要自己跳下來賣組包了嗎? 11/26 11:20
t95912: 封面沒一個吸引人點進去的XD 11/26 11:32
pita30: 奇怪遊戲大合輯 11/26 11:34
leo19981: 300多真的可買一款不錯遊戲了 11/26 11:49
Chricey: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 11/26 12:33
starkwasker: 這藍字包,但是跟分開買價格一摸一樣 11/26 11:59
markhorse: Nexus好玩啊。不過是老遊戲了 11/26 12:24
Sunerk: 垃圾大集合 11/26 12:32
Angesi: One Hand Clapping 這才是純正音遊! 11/26 12:33
Kroner: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 11/26 14:19
moon1000: 也買了第一個來吼看看XD 11/26 13:06
scorpioz: 這是什麼垃圾大集合 11/26 13:10
ghostlywolf: One hand clapping很讚 這價格超值得可以單買這個 11/26 13:39
ETTom: 感謝情報 有兩款有興趣 買來+1 11/26 14:19
Kroner: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 11/26 15:22
e1q3z9c7: Giana Sisters 好玩 它的續作也不錯 11/26 14:31
devilhades: 3不錯玩,官網的可以考慮單買 11/26 15:07
pppli: 全部只聽過Giana sisters 超老牌mario模仿作 11/26 15:15
devilhades: *觀望 11/26 15:22
Chricey: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 11/26 18:16
sunshinecan: 想請教這種組包是怎麼找的 商店頁面好像沒宣傳? 11/26 16:28
nrsair: 裡面有哪些好玩的 11/26 17:13
qq204: 只有一兩款吸引我 XD 11/26 18:15
qq204: 這總組包就看某款遊戲時剛好看到下面的組包阿 XD 11/26 18:16
Kroner: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 11/27 15:51
s0908744: 買遊戲的遊戲爽 越多款越好 這款CP超高 11/26 18:45
s0908744: 好奇想問第一款 SD有麥克風嗎? 想知道要接什麼裝置 11/26 18:46
space20021: 17好便宜 11/26 18:54
oas: 這包單買就好 整包買根本沒折扣! 包爽的逆~~~~~~ @@ XDDD 11/27 15:51
Kroner: 關節痛就老人病 11/27 15:51